By : Cho

As a serviced apartment that has been operating a lodging business for decades, we understand how important it is to keep all the technology used up to date.

Overview of Batavia Apartments Serviced Residences By redesigning our website, we hope to achieve at least three things in this regard.

In 2011, Google introduced the Zero Moment of Truth, or ZMOT, which focuses on how consumers research online for information and make purchase decisions. A website helps your business interact with consumers at ZMOT to establish you as a credible and trustworthy business. 

Just like a pamphlet or a brochure, a website can share credible information about its business. Furthermore, it helps create a brand image in the eyes of new customers by showcasing your values. 

A website helps your business build brand awareness and reach new customers. It showcases your products or services and generates awareness about them. You can do SEO to increase your online visibility, reach the right audience and further expand your business. 

A responsive and user-friendly website helps facilitate digital marketing efforts. It helps you create an email database for marketing, content strategy to improve organic traffic, and develop landing pages for ads. You can reach a broader audience through Google Ads and Facebook Ads and direct them to your website for conversion. 

We hope this is a milestone in covering the latest information needs of Batavia Apartment Serviced Residences and our customers.